A Different Kind of Electronic Health Record
My friend Karthik, who's in Health/Info Sciences, told me to check out an Austin-based company called Catalis. It's not just another company with an EHR product, but a company making a graphical-based EHR product.
The graphical-based part is what makes it stand out in a crowded field based on my experience using many different kinds of EHR systems (the VA's VISTA, a McKesson-made system and a GE product called Centricity) for over a year now as a med student.
Catalis does a nice job of showing off the features of its EHR software. (Caveat: I don't know if these features are unique to Catalis' software versus other EHR systems software.) The three I found most compelling -- and most represent a step up from EHR systems I've used -- are:
1. You can document such problems as fracture sites graphically instead of (or in addit

2. Typing is replaced by handwriting, which means docs won't have to learn new habits when it comes to charting.
3. The EHR system will warn you if a drug you prescribe is contraindicated, something I lobbied McKesson to do with a couple emails -- and to no avail I might add (although the company did start having monographs linked to drugs in patient charts after I emailed them).
Apparently this isn't just on the drawing board, according to the press release where a few doctors endorse Catalis' EHR software.
Labels: EHR
I WOULD NOT recommend this EMR. It is elegant, but does NOT do what they say it does. When finished, it will be the very best, now it is just pretty vaporware. It does not integrate with the practice management systems that they say it does, the specialties that they say are ready are not, and the CEO is incompetent. Sorry for the bad news, but this is the truth.
Do you have direct personal experience with this EMR, or is this based on second-hand experience?
The guy that wrote the note saying this is vaporare appears to me to be a crackpot.
I use this system every day in my practice. Moreove, I have used 4 EMRs in the past- and this is generations above any that I have used- or that are currently on the market. Infact, my PA started using this product without any training. Better yet- she is seeing 40 patients a day with this.
Catalis seemlessly integrates with our medisoft PMS software, my friends practice also uses and loves this software- they use advanced MD. I also know of several practices that use medical manager, and several others.
I know they are coming out with several different specialites in 2 to 3 weeks. I think Peds, Ob/Gyn, Ortho, ENT, Nuero, FP, Internal Medicine and some others.
This guy evidently has a personal agenda- it appears he is pissed at the CEO. He probably was fired from the company.
I use Catalis- very imprssive, well thougt out software program, best EMR on the market
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