Using a salad spinner to diagnose anemia

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When you track calories closely, you lose more weight, said Dr. Lawrence Cheskin, associate professor of health, behavior and society at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dana Green, a diabetes specialist at St. Joseph Healthcare Diabetes Institute of Behavioral Medicine in Bangor, Me., has been testing the LoseIt program with a small group of his patients, including the Dodges. Since April, almost all of the 17 patients, ranging in age from 48 to 76, have lost weight and lowered their blood sugar. One man lost six pounds; two of the women in the program were able to reduce their insulin intake by 20 percent, Mr. Green said.
“Patients begin to see their patterns and habits and so make better decisions,” he said. “I’m extremely optimistic.”
There's a companion piece with four recommended apps for losing weight.
Another interesting app keeps one's immunization records together. I like the idea of this app. I was going through my old files and found I have immunization records from elementary school, high school, medical school and from the city health department when I got vaccinated before trips.
It would be awesome to have all those papers collated into one record of vaccine shots. Why? Well, say I step on a rusty nail. And I go to the doctor and ask for a tetanus shot. I'll be asked when was the last time I had a booster shot, and I'd have to say I have no idea. It would be useful to have an idea.
Interestingly, there are apps out there that do that for adults and for children's immunizations. So there you have it. One kind of mobile app that promotes healthy behavior. A second kind that keeps all of your health info organized and easily accessible.